Telo di protezione piccoli telescopi da 80cm
Teleskop Service
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TS-Optics Protective Cover for small telescopes up to 80 cm length and spotting scopes
TS-Optics Protective Cover for small telescopes up to 80 cm length and spotting scopes
Codice articolo: TSTCs05
TS-Optics high-quality Protective Cover for telescopes, with fixing strap
Telescope covers from Teleskop-Service offer perfect protection for your telescope against dust and moisture from above. It is an ideal protection if you want to leave it outside for a short term or store it in the cellar or garage. Just put the cover over the mounted telescope and pull the fixing strap at the bottom side. Thus the cover cannot fly away anymore and it is well closed.
The TSTCS05 is suitable for, among others, the following telescopes:
♦ All spotting scopes on photo tripods
♦ Compact telescopes like refractors up to 120 mm aperture f/5 or compact Newtonian telescopes up to 150 mm aperture
♦ All Schmidt-Cassegrain or Maksutov telescopes up to 150 mm aperture
♦ Particularly well suited if only the telescope and perhaps the mount head have to be covered
Important note and practical tip from Teleskop Service:
♦ The protective cover is not suitable for permanent outdoor use. It is not a replacement for a shelter, but meant for short-term protection of the telescope before or after an observation.
♦ Before pulling the cover over your telescope, put an old linen sheet over the telescope. That will absorb the condensate water which will inevitably form under the cover, thus preventing from unaesthetic condensation marks on the telescope.