JUPITER 70/900 mm
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TS-Optics Refractor 70/900mm on mount EQ3-1 & tripod for beginners age 7+
TS-Optics Refractor 70/900mm on mount EQ3-1 & tripod for beginners age 7+
Codice articolo: JUPITER
The TS Optics JUPITER is a complete astronomical telescope with everything you need to begin observing
♦ 70 mm aperture
♦ 900 mm focal length
♦ little chromatic aberration - no fringes around stars
♦ equatorial mount EQ3-1 with sufficient load capacity
♦ many useful accessories
The TS Optics JUPITER is a versatile beginner´s telescope with many accessories
The refractor (uses lenses) is very easy to use and can be handled by children age 7+ It suits quite all areas of astronomy, but will work fine as spotting scope for terrestrial use. All you need is included.
As a refractor, the JUPITER can be used almost directly after setting up with little time to cool down. Adjustment of the optics is rarely necessary - usually never.
The equatorial mount
The EQ3-1 holds the telescope with a very good stabiltiy. Many other telescopes in this price range are only offered on the EQ-1 or a similar mount that is undersized for a telescope of this size.
The mount offers professional functions such as:
♦ polar fine alignment for precise setup
♦ mount can be removed from the tripod
♦ oversized field tripod
♦ manual slow motion control in both axes through flexible shafts
♦ tracking motor available optionally
(see "recommended accessories")
The finder scope
The finder helps to find and center the object that you wish to see in the telescope. It has a much larger field of view than the telescope and a crosshair.
Solid 1.25" Focuser
An often overlooked detail of particular importance. The focuser´s job is to hold the eyepiece ("magnifying lens") in place and move it into focus for a sharp image. The eyepiece defines the magnification you get. The JUPITER refractor has a standard 1.25" focuser, not the older 24.5mm size. As a result, you can choose from hundreds of optional accessories available for 1.25".
Technical Data
Objective Type: | Achromatic doublet |
Aperture: | 70 mm |
Focal Length: | 900 mm |
Resolution: | 1.65 arc seconds |
Magnitude limit: | 11 mag |
Barrel size: | 1.25" - most common |
Included eyepiece focal lengthes: | 25 mm and 6.5 mm |
Included magnifications: | 36x (25 mm), 72x (25 mm + Barlow lens), 138x (6.5 mm) |
Finder: | 6x30 |
Mount: | equatorial, can be equipped with motor |
Tripod: | 130 cm height,aluminium, adjustable, with tray |
Terrestrial use: | nice with errecting eyepiece |
In the Box
♦ optical tube
♦ mount
♦ tripod with accessories tray
♦ finder 6x30
♦ star diagonal for easy viewing
♦ 2 Plössl eyepieces (25 mm and 6.5 mm)
♦ Barlow lens 2x (doubles magnification)
♦ Errecting eyepice for daytime use
♦ Moon filter
♦ Instruction manual