Orion Stargazer Ingrandisci

Orion Stargazer

Orion USA

Utile kit per imparare le costellazioni, gli oggetti più belli edl profondo cielo e la Luna

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36,00 € 36 EUR 2025-02-21

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Codice articolo: ORIUstarg

Utile kit per imparare le costellazioni, gli oggetti più belli edl profondo cielo e la Luna

Il kit comprende:
1) Orion startarget:Planisfero che aiuta l'appassionato ad orientarsi in cielo, basta infatti mettere data e ora ruotando insieme i due cerchi di cui è composto per avere la rappresentazione del cielo visibile con le costellazioni e i principali oggetti deep-sky da una latitudine di 30-50°
2) Discover the stars (in inglese)
•Richard Berry, former editor of Astronomy magazine, leads you on a tour of the constellations, pointing out fascinating deep-sky objects that can be seen with a simple telescope or binoculars
•The heart of the book is two sections of big, two-color sky charts
•The first section features 12 charts that show the entire visible sky each month, accompanied by text that points out each month's sky attractions and constellation mythology
•The second section comprises 23 charts of smaller regions of the sky, which highlight stars with unusual colors, star clusters, nebulas, and galaxies observable with small instruments
•Separate chapters cover basics, such as how the stars move through the sky, points of interest on the Moon's face, and choosing and using a telescope
•Softbound, 119 pages

  Utile kit per imparare le costellazioni, gli oggetti più belli edl profondo cielo e la Luna

This gets our vote as the best guidebook for beginning stargazers. Richard Berry, former editor of Astronomy magazine, leads you on a tour of the constellations, pointing out fascinating deep-sky astronomical objects that can be seen with a simple telescope or binoculars. The heart of the book is two sections of big, two-color sky charts. The first section features 12 charts that show the entire visible sky each month, accompanied by text that points out each month's sky attractions and constellation mythology. The second section comprises 23 charts of smaller regions of the sky, which highlight stars with unusual colors, star clusters, nebulas, and galaxies observable with small instruments. Separate chapters cover basics, such as how the stars move through the sky, points of interest on the Moon's face, and choosing and using a telescope. Softbound, 119 pages.
3)Mappa della Luna: plastificata, con tutti i crateri visibili con un piccolo telescopio e i loro nomi
4) Orion Redbeam mini led: torcia a led rosso per consultare le mappe di notte senza venire abbagliati.


Planisfero Startarget
Discover the stars
Mappa della Luna
Orion Redbeam mini led


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